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Monday, September 20, 2010

Stressed? STOP...BREATHE

Close your eyes, relax all your muscles, consciously empty your mind....

This is the beginning of your road to meditation. At first, meditation takes a concentrated effort. You have to remember to do so many things, how can you possibly empty your mind? The idea is to just do it. Train your body to relax, your mind to empty and your breathing to deepen. Why? Read on and find out more....

Historically, meditation dates back to the earliest known religions, although you don't have to be religious in order to benefit from the practice. Some form of meditation shows up in just about every religion's history, it may have been called by different names, but it is the same thing. Meditation has many benefits to our health. It increases the blood flow to your organs, decreases headaches and muscle tension, decreases your respiratory rate and increases the amount of serotonin in your brain. Meditation also enhances the immune system and helps curb chronic diseases along with a host of other advantages.

Meditation is a stress reliever and mood enhancer and increases the ability to concentrate and think clearly. Just a few minutes at the beginning of your day can change your outlook and your productivity. We all have our own way of relieving stress, this is only one way that you can change your health, your brain chemistry and your life in general. There are many different ways to meditate, one is not any better than the other, the key is to just do it. Make sure you will not be interrupted, turn off the tv, the cell phone, anything that could cause a distraction (yes, that means the kids too!). Get comfortable; some people lie down to meditate, some sit on the floor with their backs supported and some sit with their backs straight and in lotus position. Do what makes you most comfortable, after all this is supposed to be for your benefit, not something to do so that you can say you do it "right"! Clear your mind of any negativity and self talk; this is the time for positive energy. Some people say they imagine their thoughts encased in a bubble and floating away into the sky. Some people focus on an object. I once knew someone who had a picture of a tiger that he meditated in front of, he said he filled his mind with images of this strong, beautiful beast and felt a strength and peace surround him.

As you focus on an object become aware of your breath, of your body relaxing with each inhale and exhale. Purposely relax each part of your body until you are not aware of any tension in any muscles. Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale through your mouth. Or you can try a rapid breathing method where you stick your tongue out like a dog and pant for 2-4 minutes, either one will increase the flow of oxygen to your brain. In fact, it might increase it so much you may feel yourself getting dizzy the first few times you try it! Some people like to chant when they breathe, choosing a specific word or phrase that has special meaning to them.

You can meditate any time, anywhere, the idea is to bring peace, relaxation and focus into an otherwise hectic and stressful day. Take some time today and try it, you might be surprised at the focus and clarity it will bring to the rest of your day.

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